
String formatter java example
String formatter java example

string formatter java example

println (withoutLocale ) // 4,566,778 System. format ( "%,d", number ) String withLocale = String.

string formatter java example

To localize the formatted string, you have to pass a valid locale as the first argument, as shown below: int number = 4566778 String withoutLocale = String. Localizationīy default, the String.format() method uses the default locale by calling the Locale.getDefault() method. If there are more arguments than format specifiers, they are ignored. You can also print multiple specifiers to the same argument: String str = String. println (str ) // Today is October 03, 2021 format ( "Today is %1$tB % string formatter java example

println (str ) // The price of Pizza 🍕 is USD 5.99 format ( "The price of %2$s is USD %1$.2f", price, product ) System. String product = "Pizza 🍕" double price = 5.99 String str = String. The first argument is referenced by 1$, the second by 2$, and so on. The argument index is an integer indicating the position of the argument in the argument list. Read this article to learn more about integer-to-string conversion in Java. format ( "%o", 99 ) // (99) // Alternative Hex & Octal formatting String. format ( "%+d", 999 ) // +999 // Thousands separator String. Just like strings, you can also specify width and padding for other data types: // Text width String. format ( "%c", 'A' ) // Char value System. format ( "%tc", new Date ( ) ) // Date object String str6 = String. format ( "%o", 99 ) // Octal value String str5 = String. format ( "%x", 678 ) // Hexadecimal value String str4 = String. format ( "%f", 56.7 ) // Float value String str3 = String. format ( "%d", 999 ) // Integer value String str2 = String. format ( "|%20.3s|", message ) // | Hey| Conversionsīesides formatting, the String.format() method can also be used to convert and format other data types into a string: String str1 = String. format ( "|%-20s|", message ) // |Hey 👋 | // Maximum number of characters String. format ( "|%20s|", message ) // | Hey 👋| // Left justify text String. The String.format() method also allows us to set the width, alignment, and padding of the formatted string: String message = "Hey 👋" // Text width String. println (str ) // My name is John Doe Width and Padding format ( "My name is %s", name ) System. Here is an example: String name = "John Doe" String str = String.

String formatter java example android#

We can use the below string format types to convert into String Format Type Data Type Output %a Floating point Hexadecimal value of floating point number %b Any type “True” if not null and “False” if null %c Character Unicode character %d Integer Decimal integer %e Floating point Decimal number in scientific notation %f Floating point Decimal number %g Floating point Decimal number in scientific notation based on precision and value %h Any type Hex String value from hashCode() method %n None Platform specific line separator %o Integer Octal number %s Any type String %t Date/Time This is the prefix for date/time conversion.How to work with the String.xml File in our Android Environment MissingFormatArgumentException – when the argument is missing for the specified format. IllegalFormatException or IllelagFormatConversionException – when the specified format is illegal or incompatible NullPointerException – when the format is null The Java String format() method throws below 2 exceptions: Locale – locale which needs to be applied on format() methodĪrgs – the arguments for the format string. Public static String format(Locale locale, String format, Object… args) Public static String format(String format, Object… args) Using Locale We can use the String format() method in below 2 ways: Without using Locale

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  • String formatter java example