After all, the possibilities for variations on the Super Saiyan transformations are seemingly endless. This could potentially lead to him reaching Ultra Instinct or maybe even improving upon it, or Goku doing the same thing. At the moment, Vegeta is the only one who can transform into the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution stage. For example, Goku achieved Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan God before he was able to get to Super Saiyan Blue, whereas Vegeta was able to skip over both of those and just got right to Super Saiyan Blue. And it wouldn't be the first time Vegeta bypasses transformations that Goku has taken.

This could be on the same level as Ultra Instinct, or it may even be a small step up. The power of this form was compared to that of Ultra Instinct, which is a form that Vegeta has not, and may possibly never, achieve. Still, if Vegeta wasn't able to achieve this new form, their odds of beating him wouldn't have been as high.
Super saiyan beyond blue full#
Everyone involved was fighting at their full strength for at least a majority of the battle. Vegeta wasn't the only one fighting against Jiren at the time - it was a group effort to defeat him. Given how strong and fast Jiren was, it was important to have both enough power and enough speed to keep up with him. However, the difference is that this form doesn't sacrifice the user's speed and agility for the sake of pure power. Much like with Super Saiyan 1.5, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution makes the user bulkier and raises their power level substantially. This new form, known as Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, had some striking similarities to Super Saiyan 1.5. During the Tournament of Power, in the fight against Jiren, Vegeta was able to take the Super Saiyan Blue form one step further. In Super, Vegeta had already achieved the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan - or Super Saiyan Blue - form along with Goku during the battle with Golden Frieza.