PFS-3532 - Files in the news are now clickable and the user can open/download them. PFS-3575 - Web-Search: Should support search for IDs. txt files should be created and opened with ONLYOFFICE in web PFC-3265 - Optimize visibility of empty directories in multi-storage cluster. PFS-3402 - Folder navigation got lost after refreshing the browser. PFS-3460 - Searching accounts is not possible for the usernames containing only numbers. PFS-3502 - Searching folder is not possible when folder list contain a folder with numbers in name.
PFS-3257 - Groups can't get invited via share dialogue. PFS-3572 - Self-balancing and high-availability backend data replication with local storages. #POWERFOLDER JAVA INSTALL WINDOWS UPGRADE#
PFS-3556 - Upgrade Server to OpenJDK 14. PFS-3566 - Improve LDAP account data sync on invite and login. PFS-3540 - Restrict auto-complete of accounts when editing groups. PFS-3609 - Fixes race condition causing SQL exception during Folder operation through client. PFS-3487 - Documents containing "plus" in name are replaced by new files having a "space" in name. PFS-3408 - Block rename of documents while editing. PFS-3574 - Change folder base path in web: Folders API: Set basepath. New log entry which can be ignored: WARN : Connection closed to Member 'SEVEROFCLUSTER'. Removes "Connection closed to Member 'SEVEROFCLUSTER'" PFS-3586 - Storage balancing cluster logic.
PFS-3618 - Improve handling of mySQL deadlock exceptions. PFS-3616 - Occasionally folders show up empty in the web for a short period. #POWERFOLDER JAVA INSTALL WINDOWS SOFTWARE#
* (Where X=Major software version and Y=Service pack number) All production builds are starting from X.Y.100* and development builds (not for productive use) are starting from X.Y.1 - 99.
Server admin can set the link for that in the admin dashboard> preferences > customizations > download URLs > Windows MSI client URL > path
From PowerFolder Server v15.1 the MSI-Client 圆4 can be directly downloaded from the homepage under clients-tab. PowerFolder API DOCs have been updated and versioned: For all the information about latest API-Calls please visit our API-Documentation. : Database layout version is newer than expected. Log messages due to the higher schema version of database can be ignored:. Simply replace the PowerFolder-Server.jar file with that from the previous version you would like to run. For a downgrade you have to review our downgrade documentation. In case a downgrade to a previous version is necessary:. Customers who usually replace only PowerFolder-Server.jar should replace the jre64 folder in the installation path of PowerFolder-Server from the Installation tar.gz file. We have provided OpenJDK 14 in PFS v15.3.X. Cluster: Running different versions on the servers in the cluster is supported but limited to version >= 14.3.5. : Dialect class not found: de.L.C.B in the logs, please stop thee service, remove the line hibernate.dialect=de.L.C.B from your Server Configuration File and start the service again. If you face the error message : Problem reading database configuration. Upgrading any previous version higher or equal to version 11.8. Please follow the regular upgrade documentation for Windows or Linux. Please read this complete Release Notes and instructions before upgrading.
* (Where X=Major software version and Y=Service pack number) Download Links All production builds are starting from X.Y.100* and development builds (not for productive use) are starting from X.Y.1 - 99